Sunday, May 19, 2013

Have you ever heard of sassy water?

Everyone's heard how we are supposed to drink 8 glasses of water a day. It's all good until you actually start to drink 8 glasses of water a day. The first few days are easy, then you reach for a diet coke instead, then you stop drinking water altogether. At least, that's what I would do. Water is just so BORING!
I would carry around a 1 liter size water bottle and try to fill it up at least 3 times a day. I found myself just chugging it down so I could get my required amount of water in for the day. Blechh. I wanted to find ways to make my water taste less like, well, water! I searched on the holy grail of all things Internet: Pinterest! I found several pins featuring fruit-infused waters, but they just didn't sound good to me. Then, when I finally stopped looking, I found it. It's called Sassy Water.

Sassy Water is actually found on Prevention's Flat Belly Diet.  The original recipe features lemons, cucumber, and ginger. Lemon and cucumber both help to reduce bloating, while ginger can help with digestion. I decided to try it, but with a couple of twists to suit my taste.  I made 3 quarts, instead of 2, cut out the ginger, and substituted lime. With my big pitcher in the fridge, I was ready to taste.

My version of sassy water

1 large cucumber, sliced thin and peeled
2 limes, sliced thin
2 mint stems (kept the leaves on the stems so they wouldn't float around)
12 cups of water

Add all the ingredients to a large pitcher and leave in the fridge overnight. Drink all the water throughout the day.

That's it! How easy is that? Now, the real test comes in: the taste test. The first thing I did this morning was get up and grab my trusty large water bottle. I filled it up and took a sip. Wow! The tartness of the lime, the lightly sweet taste of the cucumber, the zing of the mint...all of these flavors hit me at once. It was not overpowering, but just right. I think I even uttered, "holy crap" when I tried it! I am hooked. I will have no problem sipping on this baby all day long. Aaaaahhhhmazing! Not only does it taste great, it also has a pleasant presentation about it. Lookin' fancy there!

What are some of YOUR favorite ways to spruce up the ol' boring H2O?  Comment below and let me know!

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